Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic

Stress urinary incontinence in women. Perineal exercises, electrical stimulation, cones.

Loss of urine from coughing, laughing, sneezing, running, even walking, incontinence is called stress urinary incontinence. It mostly occurs in women who have weaker urinary sphincter and whose weakness is exacerbated by pregnancy. Like any muscle that can be controlled voluntarily, urinary sphincter, (the perineal muscles) can be exercised and toned up in order to prevent loss of urine. Some people cannot contract the perineum and only external help let them play this ability. This aid can be represented by electrical stimulation of these muscles and / or the use of weight-cones to restore local reflex and tonicity.

Performing the exercises correctly is essential to their success. Periodic monitoring can be performed in the clinic. People who don’t realize the hoped progress by home exercise may use the above stimulation methods that can be done by biweekly sessions in our clinic.

If it is proposed to correct a genital prolapse or urinary continence by surgery, preoperative urodynamic tests can be performed in our clinic.


Va oferim patru chestionare pentru autoevaluarea starii de sanatate:



Investigarea urodinamica implica masurarea presiunilor din sfincterelor ce asigura continenta urinara si din vezica urinara, in timpul umplerii cat si al golirii, metoda cunoscuta sub numele de urodinamica.


Urodynamics in pictures

We present some pictures during the process of urodunamics


Cum se desfasoara o consultatie de urologie

Afla mai multe informatii despre etapele desfasurarii unei consultatii de urologie.
