Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic



Nocturia Package–Night time urination, especially if each is done with a urine volume larger than 200 ml, has various causes, urological, vascular, cardiac, and it is necessary for the patient to have a complex evaluation before deciding on the treatment. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation with uroflowmetry, urinary tractecho graphyandurinalysis, cardiology consult with BP measuring and EKG and cardiac ultrasound. The patient should complete a schedule of urination for 2-3days.


Urgency Incontinence Package – I urinate frequently I feel like losing urine if I do not get quickly to the bathroom –(urinary incontinence with frequent urination)Most likely you have an “overactive bladder”, which is more sensitive and that contracts when it is only half full without waiting the brain control that says it is not yet necessary to urinate. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation with uroflowmetry, bladder and postvoiding residual echography, urinalysis. You should fill out a calendar of urination for 2-3days.


Stress Incontinence Package – losing urine coughing, sneezing, laughing or running or changing position- (stress urinary incontinence) – is a disorder that occurs mostly in women. Its occurence is favored by the number of births but also has a genetic component. It may occur in men as a post-surgical complication following a prostatectomyorin neurological conditions. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation with genital examination and perineal contraction testing, bladder and postvoiding residual echography, urinalysis, gynecological examination with echography (for women). You should fill a schedule of urination for 2-3days.


Painful Bladder Package – I have pain in the abdomen when the bladder is full, I do urinate frequently to get rid of pain, urinated volumes are small, urine tests come sterile although I’m told I have cystitis and always prescribed antibiotics –(interstitial cystitis, painful bladder disease)– it is a rare but serious condition that alters the quality of life. It occurs more frequently in women. The cause is not known but it is accepted that the pain is caused by an altered mucus than covers the inner bladder, who does not defend the bladder of its own urine, which is acidic, so its own urine becomes painful  for the bladder. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation with urinary tractechography, urinalysis, gynecological exam. Should complete a schedule of urinating on2-3 days.


Neurological bladder Package – If you have urinary disorders (frequent urination, urinating often at night or weak urinary stream, and sensation of incomplete emptying) and neurological condition (cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson’s disease, myelitis, myelomeningocele, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s) is very likely that your symptoms are not due to the prostate (in men) or rupture of the perineum (the women), but to be the result of the neurological condition, which in medical terms is called neurological bladder. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation with uroflowmetry, ultrasound residual and urinalysis.Should complete a schedule of urination for 2-3 days.


Genital prolapse in women package – gynecological examination with a doctor, specialist in the treatment of genital prolapse, urologic consultation and ultrasound for urinary disorders that are due to genital prolapse,  postmictional residual, urinalysis.Should complete a schedule of urination for 2-3 days.


PREGNANCY Package – gynecological examination and ultrasound (transvaginalor abdominal pregnancy depending on the pregnancy), vaginal discharge, the Pap test ; in case of urinary disorders, urologic consultation, renal ultrasound and  urinalysis.


Prostate Package– Control of the prostate(prostate adenoma, prostatitis) -prostate checkup is recommended annually for men over45. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation, prostate ultrasound, uroflowmetry, postmictional residualultrasound, discussion about your sex life, urinalysis, PSA. When necessary will contain a discussion of treatment options and the opportunities and benefits of surgery compared with nonsurgical treatments.


Urinary retention package – if you had a retention of urine for which you have been mounted an urinary catheter and want to know if you can urinate without probe or whether you should have a  prostate surgery so you can urinate again. Medical examination package will include: urologic consultation, ultrasound of the urinary tract(kidney, bladder, prostate), urodynamic tests in order to extract the urinary probe.


TEENAGERS sex education Package – discussion with the gynecologist and urologist and possibly a psychologist.


Gynecological Package– transvaginal ultrasound, Pap test, vaginal discharge


Cardiology Consultation Package– EKG, lipid profile, cardiac eco


Va oferim patru chestionare pentru autoevaluarea starii de sanatate:



Investigarea urodinamica implica masurarea presiunilor din sfincterelor ce asigura continenta urinara si din vezica urinara, in timpul umplerii cat si al golirii, metoda cunoscuta sub numele de urodinamica.


Urodynamics in pictures

We present some pictures during the process of urodunamics


Cum se desfasoara o consultatie de urologie

Afla mai multe informatii despre etapele desfasurarii unei consultatii de urologie.
