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Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic


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Stress urinary incontinence in women. Perineal exercises, electrical stimulation, cones.

Loss of urine from coughing, laughing, sneezing, running, even walking, incontinence is called stress urinary incontinence. It mostly occurs in women who have weaker urinary sphincter and whose weakness is exacerbated by pregnancy. Like any muscle that can be controlled voluntarily, urinary sphincter, (the perineal muscles) can be exercised and toned up in order to […]

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Neurogenic Bladder

Neurogenic bladder groups under this title urinary disorders that appear at patients who have neurological diseases: stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, spinal injuries, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, mielitis, cauda equina syndrome. Urinary disorders are varied, from loss of urine, frequency, up to incomplete bladder emptying and urinary retention. The way the bladder works, the […]

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The prostate adenoma (enlargement). Urinary problems and solutions for it.

Enlarged prostate may represent an obstacle to the elimination of urine. The patient begins to notice that the urinary stream is weaker or interrupted, that it takes more time emptying the bladder or he has to wait a while to start urination. Sometimes the patient remains with the feeling that the bladder is not completely […]

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Urinary Retention. How do we investigate it. How do we fix it.

The retention of the urine in the bladder with the inability to urinate is called complete retention of urine. The sensation to urinate is there, the bladder is full , so it is not a “kidney failure” but a bladder one. The causes may be the urethra (urethral stricture), enlarged prostate or the decreased contractility […]

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Urination during the night. Causes & Treatments

Urination during the night is a problem due to sleep disturbance, especially pronounced in people who re-asleep hard. One urination during the night is considered normal. Although most people blame the prostate it reality is not like that. Night urination occurs in both men and women. In the vast majority of cases it is due […]

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Frequent urination. Causes. Treatment

Urination can be considered to frequent when the frequency is disturbing for that person. There are not limits for “normal” when it comes to the frequency of urinating. It is certainly upsetting when frequent urination it’s accompanied by an intense sensation to urinate and this causes a sensation of panic. That person will always try […]

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Ce tulburari urinare tratam

  Cele mai frecvente si mai suparatoare simptome legate de aparatul urinar inferior (vezica urinara si sfinctere) sunt urinarea deasa, pierderea de urina (incontinenta), urinarea noaptea. Simptomele de urinare frecventa au o incidenta crescuta pe masura inaintarii in varsta, atat la barbati cat si la femei. Atunci cind urinarea frecventa se asociaza cu imperiozitatea mictionala […]

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Urina – Cum definim limitele normale?

  Cat urineaza un om pe zi? Un om normal urineaza cam 70% din cantitatea de lichide pe care o consuma. Lichidele sunt reprezentate de apa, sucuri, cafea, ceai, dar si de lapte, iaurt, fructe si chiar alimente. Restul de 30% se elimina prin transpiratie, scaun, respiratie. Acest raport se poate schimba in functie de […]

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