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Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic


Training for perineal re-education – for those who lose urine on coughing, sneezing, doing physical effort, toning of the perineum and strengthening continence reflexes under the guidance of a specialist is a solution with proven results for people who can follow a daily workout (at home with monthly follow-up at the clinic).


Biofeedback training – for people who urinates “dysfunctional”, with weak stream, residual urine,  discomfort when urinating, can follow a program of re-learning of normal urination with an stream/flow improvement, using electrodes that record perineum activity and shows to the patient what he does wrong.


Intermittently urethral catheterisation – for those with a large residual urine in the bladder after urination.


Transvaginal electrical stimulation of the perineum – for women who lose urine and whose perineal muscles are too weak to start the exercises by herself.


Tibial nerve stimulation, relaxing effect on the bladder’s coordinating centers for people who urinate often, rush, losing urine on the way to the toilet or when placing the key in the door and do not get to enter the house.


Heparin or Cystistat instillations for people with bladder pain, chronic, permanent, with frequent and painful urination.


Treatments for prostate disorders considering the urinary disorders  that must be corrected, weak urinary flow or urine retention.


Multidisciplinary professional team for night urination treatment: urologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist.


Genital prolapse treatment by perinealre-education or pessaries and establishing the correct indication (even surgery) in multidisciplinary teamurologist-gynecologist.


Sex education for young people


Perinealre-education Training- 50 lei/session

Urination reeducation through biofeedback- 50 lei/session

Peripheral electrical stimulation-450lei /package10 sessions


Va oferim patru chestionare pentru autoevaluarea starii de sanatate:



Investigarea urodinamica implica masurarea presiunilor din sfincterelor ce asigura continenta urinara si din vezica urinara, in timpul umplerii cat si al golirii, metoda cunoscuta sub numele de urodinamica.


Urodynamics in pictures

We present some pictures during the process of urodunamics


Cum se desfasoara o consultatie de urologie

Afla mai multe informatii despre etapele desfasurarii unei consultatii de urologie.


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