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Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic

The CENTURI Program

Sectoral Operational Programme  “INCREASE OF ECONOMIC  COMPETITIVENESS” – “ Investing in your future “

CENTURI – Diagnosis and treatment Center of urinary disorders

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The overall objective of the project is establising a diagnostic and treatment center that offers innovative services developed from research done by the project leader for his doctoral thesis called “Diagnosis and treatment of bladder evacuation disorders in spinal cord trauma” thesis defended at the University of of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, in 2003.

The proposed project includes two innovative aspects: the integration of diagnostic and therapeutic services to resolve cases and peripheral electrical stimulation neuromodulation. Regarding the first aspect, the project proposes a comprehensive approach for the diagnosis and first-line treatment in the integrated way in a single center. The manner of organization as “Pelvic Floor Center” is used in other EU countries.

Proposed center will have all the tools for the complete diagnosis behavior of the bladder and the urinary sphincter during urine storage and its evacuation. The therapeutic decision will be taken on objective data and the first line of treatment will be applied completely and correctly during patient observation. Bladder reeducation and pelvic floor training will be performed by physiotherapeutic methods and will be supplemented or replaced with electrical stimulation if the patient cannot perform the program by himself.

For disorders such incontinence, caused by neurological diseases, the peripheral nerve stimulation, will be applied, for the neuromodulation of bladder control simultaneously with drug and behavioral methods.



Va oferim patru chestionare pentru autoevaluarea starii de sanatate:



Investigarea urodinamica implica masurarea presiunilor din sfincterelor ce asigura continenta urinara si din vezica urinara, in timpul umplerii cat si al golirii, metoda cunoscuta sub numele de urodinamica.


Urodynamics in pictures

We present some pictures during the process of urodunamics


Cum se desfasoara o consultatie de urologie

Afla mai multe informatii despre etapele desfasurarii unei consultatii de urologie.


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