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Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders Clinic

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

SC GNOSIS EVOMED SRL is a limited liability company registered in Romania under number J23 / 1918/2011. The registered office is, Otopeni, str. Steaua Rosie nr. 31 bl A, ap. 13.

We can be contacted by email at PROGRAMARI@EVO-MED.RO and by phone at 0740077337.

SC GNOSIS EVOMED SRL owns the website and is the operator for the processing of personal data.

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. We process your personal data solely in accordance with the principles described below and in accordance with applicable data protection law.

1. Personal information

Personal information – information that can identify you and that may include your name and surname, email address, and other data you provide in your submitted message.

Information that can not personally identify you – information about your computer or mobile device that you visit but will not personally identify you. This category includes information about how you use our website (what pages you visited, the date / time you visited our website and what you clicked on, the geographical location from which you visited our website , based on the IP address), internet connection information, etc.

2. Collection of personal information

Information can be collected when you contact us through our website or when you directly interact with us at conferences, seminars, events with the public.

3. Purpose of collection and use

Simply visiting our website does not require us to provide personal information.

We will also not collect or use your personal data unless you have given us explicit consent to this effect in the CONTACT section.

4. Using contact forms

You can contact us directly through the contact form provided on our website.

We collect and use the information you provide to us through this form solely to resolve your specific requests.

5. Protecting Your Data

To protect the website against loss, destruction, unauthorized access, modification or dissemination of your data to unauthorized persons, appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken.

You must know that you are entitled to free information about the data stored in connection with your person and, if applicable, the right to correct, block or delete them.

Consent to the collection and use of data may be withdrawn by you at any time, with effect for the future.

In order to withdraw your consent, please contact us at, or in the Contact section of the website
We answer any questions you may have about privacy policy and your personal data processing by contacting us at

6. Clarifications

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Updates to this privacy policy will be published on this website. Any change to this privacy policy applies from the date of publication on our site. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly visit this site so that you are properly informed of any updates and changes.

Last modified: May 2018


Va oferim patru chestionare pentru autoevaluarea starii de sanatate:



Investigarea urodinamica implica masurarea presiunilor din sfincterelor ce asigura continenta urinara si din vezica urinara, in timpul umplerii cat si al golirii, metoda cunoscuta sub numele de urodinamica.


Urodynamics in pictures

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Cum se desfasoara o consultatie de urologie

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